Taking care of your horses every step of the way.

Indications of Dental Problems:
Head Tossing While Riding
Tilting Head When Eating
Refusing to Turn or Bend
Unwillingness to Flex at the Poll
Weight Loss
Foul Odor From Mouth or Nose
Equine Dental Information:
Dental Procedures:
Balancing of Molars and Incisors
Extractions of Wolf Teeth & Caps
Extractions of unhealthy or fractured molars or incisors
Diastema Gap Procedures
Removable of Caudal, rostral hooks
Balancing the mouth
Besides our regular schedule, we hold clinics and travel to educate the every day horse owner, Equine Dentists and Veterinarians.
Our emphasis is creating a healthy lifestyle for all horses. Educating yourself or your practice will let you see dramatic results in horses. Your clients will be so happy with the results and the difference, they will not want anyone else taking care of their horses dental needs!
Learn more about Educational programs for Veterinarians and Equine Dentists.